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Sydney Malunga

Govt grabs OSISA boss Malunga’s farm, ‘punishment for funding NGOs’

The Government of Zimbabwe is bizarrely claiming it acquired a farm which is privately owned by the executive director of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) Siphosami Malunga, a move observers say is punishment for helping to fund NGO’s in the country.

On Monday Siphosami who is the son of the late PF Zapu stalwart and national hero, Sydney Malunga said the Lands Ministry notified him that they are coming on Tuesday to take the farm, peg it and give it to people they have allocated it to.

Mystery surrounds deaths of national heroes

Almost all those buried at the national Heroes Acre are former Zanu PF members. While being conferred hero status comes with honorary prestige and possibly benefits for the remaining families, some of those declared national heroes died mysteriously.

Silence of the Lambs: The Angeline Tongogara story

It is very disturbing how ZANU-PF cowers victims of its violence and political intransigence. Since independence, I have noticed spouses of fallen heroes getting on with their lives without any idea of how their husbands or wives died writes Tanonoka Joseph Whande.