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Susan Tsvangirai

Why Morgan Tsvangirai has earned my vote

It is Saturday, September 15, 2012, and the events of March 6, 2009, came flashing back into my mind like a hunter’s light. It was a sad and darker day for those who knew Morgan Tsvangirai, more so for those who knew his wife.

Tsvangirai introduces new wife to Mugabe

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai formally introduced his fiancée Elizabeth Macheka to President Robert Mugabe and Vice President Joice Mujuru at State House. The introduction took place shortly before the routine Monday meeting of Principals in the coalition government.

Theresa Makone fights back on Crisis Analysis

In an explosive and at times emotional interview withLanceGuma, the co-Minister for Home Affairs, Theresa Makone, responds to allegations that she is causing chaos within theMDC-T by meddling in Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s private life.

Makone denies pimping women for PM

Co-Home Affairs Minister Theresa Makone has angrily denied accusations that she is meddling in the private life of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai. This follows the confusion surrounding news reports of whether Tsvangirai had married a Harare businesswoman or paid ‘damages’ for getting her pregnant out of wedlock.

Tsvangirai, MDC-T mourn Tongai Moyo

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai on Monday issued a statement joining the Tongai Moyo family and the people of Zimbabwe “in mourning an iconic musician who raised the country’s flag and help lift the arts industry in the country.”

Silence of the Lambs: The Angeline Tongogara story

It is very disturbing how ZANU-PF cowers victims of its violence and political intransigence. Since independence, I have noticed spouses of fallen heroes getting on with their lives without any idea of how their husbands or wives died writes Tanonoka Joseph Whande.

Key note congress address by Tsvangirai

Today is a significant day for the women of Zimbabwe. You as the women representantives of the country’s largest political party -the MDC- have come to this Congress to elect a new leadership and to chart the way forward for the MDC Women’s Assembly and for the country.

Roy Bennett says MDC-T is broke

Question Time brings you part 2 of the interview between SW Radio Africa journalist Lance Guma and MDC-T Treasurer General, Roy Bennett. The exiled Bennett responds to listener’s questions on a variety of issues, including reports that the MDC is broke.

Tsvangirai dismisses accusations of an affair

Luke Tamborinyoka a spokesman for Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has angrily dismissed what he called attempts by the state owned Herald newspaper to ‘besmirch’ the PM by linking him to a married woman who is trying to divorce her husband.

Tsvangirai appears in public with new lover

By Caiphas Chimhete Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has appeared in public for the first time with his new lover Locadia Karimatsenga Tembo. Over a week ago, the Prime Minister, his adviser Ian Makone, Tembo and the Tsvangirai’s two children Vimbai and Edwin all attended Joyce Meyer’s Festival of Life Conference in Harare. Tembo, who constantly […]