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surgery assistance

Request for surgery assistance

URGENT REQUEST FOR VITREO RETINAL SURGERY COST ASSISTANCE I write to you all with an urgent appeal for assistance.  Mr. and Mrs. Cliford and Rozaria Nyati’s daughter Portia Nyati urgently needs to go to South Africa for Vitreo Retinal Surgery for macular hole. I am brother to Mrs.Rozaria Nyati.  The cost for Surgery is Rand […]

Tare tumour operation a success

Dear friends On behalf of Girl Child Network Worldwide and Girl Child Network Zimbabwe I would like to inform you that Professor Hutchison successfully and diligently removed two tumours from Tare . The operation took more than six hours and Tare suffered no facial cuts ,no excessive bleeding and no major problem. Everything went on […]

Tare admitted in hospital

Dear friends of Tare Tare is in hospital now  and she has seen her doctor who offered to operate on her for free .We only paid for hospital fees and other surgeons and services .We will know how much all this exactly costs after the treatment . My collegue Prisciallah and I spent the last […]

Tarie Appeal: Media disappointed us

By Luka Phiri and Dumi Tutani A Zimbabwean girl aged only 18 had an appeal that went round the globe. Tarie a young Zimbabwean who needs an operation and many people and organisations did donate towards the appeal and that was wonderful. I am so happy she will be coming to London tomorrow morning from […]