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Star of Shiloh

We are church goers, we just haven’t got there yet

“We are church goers, we just haven’t got there yet.” So read a sticker on the bumper of a car on the motorway, this made me think and indeed inspired me to write this article. As we begin the New Year I plead with you to get there. Many of our extended family and friends haven’t yet gotten to church.

Let’s cultivate spirit of forgiveness

‘To err is human, to forgive divine’, so goes an old aphorism. As we enter the new year of 2011, it becomes us as children of God to reach out with a spirit of forgiveness and an attitude of love and compassion toward those whom we have felt have wronged us. We have need of this. The whole world has need of it.

Peace is the ultimate quest of the human soul

In seeking true peace some of us need to improve what has to be improved, confess what needs to be confessed, forgive what has to be forgiven, and forget what should be forgotten in order that serenity can come to us. If there is a commandment we are breaking, and as result it is breaking us and hurting those who love us, let us call down the power of Jesus Christ to help us, to free us, to lead us through repentance to that peace.

Why Facebook attacker has to be condemned

Reports of the so called “Facebook assault lover” 42 year-old Zimbabwean man Fredson Nkomo, who beat up his mistress as was reported on the website made very sad reading most regrettable was the silly excuse given by Nkomo who claimed “such savage attacks were common” in his homeland.

Does your lamp have oil?

One of the most significant parables that teaches us to prepare for the coming of the Lord is that of the ten virgins (Matthew chapter 25), to understand this parable a little background to the custom and practice may help. In the ancient East weddings were almost always at night, involving ten maidens, the bridegroom […]

Shiloh, the morning star of glory

As the sun rose, east of the majestic Chimanimani mountains situated in the beautiful Eastern Highlands of the mystical land of Zimbabwe, splashing its glorious rays abundantly over the magnificent uplands and plains of Manicaland, a small party of men left the village, en route to dig a grave for Mrs. Portia Hamudikuwanda who had passed away three days earlier.

Find time for God and He will protect you

I pray that the Spirit will touch you and me as we discuss some principles of how you can find greater success and eternal happiness in your individual lives. Each of you is very much aware that we are living in challenging times. Economic uncertainty is prevalent the world over. The crusade against corruption and […]

Spiritual awakening of Zimbabweans in UK

It is commonplace in Zimbabwe to see men and women dressed in white robes praying in hills, mountains or secluded places, but for the folks in Luton in the United Kingdom who regularly hike up the Sharpenhoe-Clappers to walk their dogs and those who like to take a stroll to enjoy the fresh air and soak up the idyllic views the sight of men and women in white robes is not an everyday occurrence writes Brilliant Pongo.