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Shingai Mugochi

Why do we vote for poor leaders promising us riches?

The on-going tussle in Zanu-pf has awoken the country to raw politics. It is crude, uncensored and Live! Even those who have been planning to buy satellite equipment for christmas to get away from ZBC are now considering buying clothes for their children instead!

Zimbabwe Presidential Sex Tapes – Coming to your Whatsapp soon!

Fake Dr Amai Comrade Grace Mugabe has come out threatening the Vice President, genuine Dr Comrade Joice Mujuru with revealing of tapes exposing her scheming treason as well as depicting sexual behaviour involving an under-cover Ben-10 as they call younger lovers. She goes on to threaten that there is worse than what she has already shared with the public.

The Zimbabwe Bus: A historical perspective

In 1980 jubilant Zimbabweans were wooed into a bus heading to a promised land of milk and honey. They knew the driver had never steered a bus and his crew had no experience either. They were assured that an experienced driver would stay on and assist the new one.

Zimbabweans – Are we Fools?

As the nation sits up to and pays due attention to politics due largely to shock at the antics of Robert Mugabe, his wife and his two senior rear-lickers who think they are entitled to rule the country by virtue of how loyal they are to him….one is left wondering which Zimbo does not deserve to be called a fool.