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ruling party

Mnangagwa, Mujuru split Zanu PF

The new draft constitution recently presented to political party principals has turned out to be a curse for the former ruling party Zanu PF as it has worsened the split between supporters aligned to two senior party officials — Joice Mujuru and Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Zanu PF splashes millions on 550 vehicles

HARARE – President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF party is reportedly splashing about $14 million on as many as 550 vehicles as it prepares a massive election campaign but the source of the funding for the vehicles remains a mystery.

Mugabe grooming Grace to take over

HARARE – Factions battling to succeed President Robert Mugabe are unsettled by elaborate efforts to prop First Lady Grace amid fears of a deliberate attempt to groom her for higher office.

The war Jonathan Moyo is fighting and losing

One of President Robert Mugabe’s loudest cheerleaders and Zanu PF politburo member, Jonathan Moyo, has staked his political life with that of the 88-year-old leader and is doing everything in his power to ensure political survival, analysts and party insiders have said.

Drama at PM’s Office over suspected mole

HARARE- There was drama at Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Charter House offices on Tuesday when MDC-T security staff blocked principal director Valentine Sinemane from entering the building, accusing him of leaking “confidential information” to Zanu PF.

Elections in 2012 or another GNU?

Three myths are increasingly pervading the political discourse in Zimbabwe and reflect the anxiety around the current transition in which neither Zanu PF nor MDC appear to have succeeded in emerging victorious writes Ibbo Mandaza

Wife drops charges against gun-toting MP

HARARE – Cathrine Munjayi, wife of Zanu PF Mazowe West legislator Richard Chirongwe, has withdrawn charges against her gun-toting husband due to pressure from the party and her interest in saving their marriage.

Zanu PF has less than 600 000 supporters

BULAWAYO- President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party has 579 312 supporters out of Zimbabwe’s estimated 13 million population, according to a Central Committee report tabled at the party’s conference in Bulawayo last Friday.

Tsvangirai says probe diamond looters first

MDC-T leader, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, has slammed Zanu PF apologists calling for his resignation and prosecution over WikiLeaks reports, describing them as “barbarians” who “should have their heads examined”. The Premier on Tuesday said the former ruling party apologists accusing him of treason were a desperate lot seeking to malign a legitimately elected leader of Zimbabwe.