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Robert Mugabe impeachment

Mugabe threats re-ignite impeachment calls

By Tendai kamhungira Opposition political parties — stung by a recent ban on demonstrations in Harare and President Robert Mugabe’s rant against the judiciary — say the situation is ripe to put in motion the impeachment of the Zanu PF leader. MP for Mabvuku, James Maridadi, has been leading calls for Mugabe to be impeached, arguing […]

Opposition MDC-T renews efforts to impeach Mugabe

By Tatenda Dewa | Harare Bureau | Zimbabwe’s main opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T), has renewed its efforts to have President Robert Mugabe impeached through a motion that was tabled in parliament on Thursday. James Maridadi, the MDC-T legislator for Mabvuku-Tafara made the first motion in June but the original papers reportedly disappeared. […]