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Rhodes Estate Preparatory School

REPS saga: more rape cases concealed

More rape cases at Rhodes Estate Preparatory School (REPS) in Matobo District could have been swept under the carpet over the years as reports of five more victims have surfaced, all done by the alleged perpetrator, Mlibazisi Bhebhe.

School fugitive rapist was unfit for office

Mlibazisi Bhebhe, the fugitive assistant boarding master at Rhodes Estate Preparatory School (Reps) in Matobo District accused of raping two Grade Seven pupils at the school is said to have been unqualified to hold the position.

Rape scandal at elite boarding school

Parents with children at Rhodes Estate Preparatory School (REPS) in Matobo District, Matabeleland South are up in arms with school authorities following the “disappearance” of the assistant boarding master who is alleged to have raped two pupils.