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Mbudzi resurrection miracle flops

In a reincarnation of a South African fake resurrection miracle, a Highfield family had to abandon burial for their deceased child after being assured by prophetesses that their dead relative was still alive.

No Zim man resurrected in SA

Government yesterday dismissed claims that a Zimbabwean man was “resurrected” by a controversial pastor in South Africa as his body was being brought home, saying no repatriation papers had been processed to support the claims.

Funeral turns into party after deceased granny resurrects

By Nhlalwenhle Ncube VILLAGERS of Chikamba area in Jambezi had an odd scenario when a dead woman resurrected during body viewing forcing mourners to turn the funeral into a party where they feasted and drank beer in joy for her resurrection. After rising from the dead, the elderly woman, Keresia Tshuma, died seven days later […]