Browsing tag

reserve bank governor

‘Gono, police ignored warning on Kereke’

Police Commissioner Augustine Chihuri warned that Munyaradzi Kereke was “unfit to possess a firearm” three years before the former Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe adviser allegedly raped his 13-year-old niece at gunpoint, New can reveal.

Gono again in heated clash with Zanu PF MP

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr Gideon Gono and Zanu PF Goromonzi North legislator Paddy Zhanda yesterday clashed during a parliamentary hearing into how agricultural equipment under the Farm Mechanisation Programme was distributed.

Betty Makoni challenges Gono adviser on rape case

The exiled founder of the Girl Child Network, Betty Makoni, has slammed the Zimbabwean legal system for giving ‘red carpet’ treatment to an adviser of the Reserve Bank Governor, who is accused of raping his 11 year old niece last year.