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Khupe faces MDC-T ouster

The fight for MDC-T presidency has taken a new turn amid reports of a plot to push out acting party leader Thokozani Khupe from the race because of her close association with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Political Actors Dialogue (Polad).

No Chamisa, no deal, ED told

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s re-engagement efforts with the United States and European countries has hit a brick wall with the diplomats engaged by his emissaries in the Political Actors’ Dialogue (Polad) insisting that MDC leader Nelson Chamisa should be involved in the negotiations.

Stop meddling: SA tells Mnangagwa government

Neighbouring South Africa has told President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration to stop political interference in public institutions, respect trade agreements and allow competition in business if it is serious about turning around the collapsing economy.

Former Zanu PF MP criticises Polad

Former Zanu PF Mutasa South legislator, Irene Zindi has questioned the relevance of Political Actors Dialogue (Polad), which she accused of acting as an appendage of Parliament while gobbling huge State resources.

Tamborinyoka: ‘POLAD comedians splurge scarce forex on foreign trips’

By Luke Tamborinyoka

As Zimbabwe’s economy sinks to plumbing depths, with the country’s hospitals and clinics without basics such as gloves, bandages and painkillers, fringe political leaders under the POLAD banner will spend millions of scarce foreign currency visiting global capitals on a purported international re-engagement drive.