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Phillip Kudzayi

No joy for Baba Jukwa suspects

HARARE – A fourth bid by Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi and his brother Phillip to be removed from remand in a case in which they are accused of attempting to subvert a constitutionally-elected Government and undermining President Robert Mugabe’s authority failed yesterday.

Baba Jukwa suspects in another freedom bid

HARARE – The Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi and his brother Phillip yesterday made a fourth bid for freedom arguing that the State was infringing on their constitutional right to be tried within a reasonable time.

Ministers face arrest over Baba Jukwa

As the fallout over the Baba Jukwa saga continues, the net is closing in on those connected to the shadowy Facebook character with high-profile arrests of cabinet ministers, politburo members, legislators and senior army, police and security officers expected in the next few weeks.