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Philip Tawanda Kudzayi

Police hunt for 13th Baba Jukwa suspect

Police in Zimbabwe say they are looking for the 13th suspect connected to the popular but mysterious Facebook page Baba Jukwa. The page, perceived as anti-government, has a massive 409 000 followers and continues to grow.

Ministers face arrest over Baba Jukwa

As the fallout over the Baba Jukwa saga continues, the net is closing in on those connected to the shadowy Facebook character with high-profile arrests of cabinet ministers, politburo members, legislators and senior army, police and security officers expected in the next few weeks.

Amai Jukwa remanded in custody to July 7

Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi who is facing banditry and terrorism charges has been remanded to July 7 and advised to approach the High Court for bail since his offence is classified under 3rd schedule.