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Paurina Mpariwa

Chamisa faces VPs dilemma

Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa is in a dilemma over MDC’s three posts of vice president as women are pushing for one of the posts to be reserved for them ahead of next month’s congress.

Mugabe must sue thieving ministers: Parly

By Gift Phiri President Robert Mugabe and his Cabinet are responsible for suing ministers and other government bureaucrats fingered in blatant theft of millions of government dollars by Auditor-General Mildred Chiri, Parliament has said. This comes after Chiri has routinely issued adverse reports on abuse of public funds, but they have gone largely ignored with […]

Mnangagwa speaks on cash crisis

By  Blessings Mashaya Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said banks should dispense money to depositors in time, as government struggles to curb a cash crunch that has forced people to spend hours on end at banks queuing for money. Responding a question in Parliament on Wednesday by Mufakose MDC MP Paurina Mpariwa on what government […]

Parly demands probe into hospital deaths

By Bridget Mananavire Parliament has demanded an investigation into the death of a newly-born baby at Masvingo Provincial Hospital (MPH) due to alleged neglect by medical staff. The health institution’s staff is accused of reportedly failing to attend to a woman in labour, resulting in her baby’s death due to a cold. Parliament’s Public Accounts […]

3 cabinet ministers loot constituency funds

By Tatenda Dewa | Harare Bureau | Parliament on Monday fingered three cabinet ministers among lawmakers who abused the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) that was meant to help constituencies with socio-economic empowerment. The ministers include Ignatius Chombo, the minister of Home Affairs under whose portfolio the police falls, President Robert Mugabe’s nephew, Patrick Zhuwao who […]

Tsvangirai meets civil servants unions

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai on Tuesday held a consultative meeting with leaders of the civil servants negotiating team, the APEX Council. The Apex Council is a grouping of all civil servants’ associations in the Zimbabwe.

Tsvangirai visits his old Sakubva home

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai on Saturday morning took time from his busy schedule to visit a house he once used as a home in the 1970s at Chisamba Singles in Sakubva, Mutare. He was in Mutare to tour several government institutions in the city.