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Owen ‘Mudha’ Ncube

Why the US imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe’s state security minister Owen Ncube

Within hours of the “anti-sanctions march” organised by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ruling Zanu PF party and government on Friday, United States president Donald Trump responded immediately by adding State Security Minister Owen ‘Mudha’ Ncube to the sanctions list.

In this article Nehanda Radio explores why Ncube was placed on the ‘targeted’ sanctions list.

Mnangagwa fortifies his political power

President Emmerson Mnangagwa moved to consolidate his power yesterday when he appointed his longtime confidante and loyalist Owen “Mudha” Ncube as the country’s new State Security minister.

Ministers savage Midlands verdict

By Mugove Tafirenyika HARARE – The outcome of the Zanu PF Midlands provincial hearings into allegations of harassment of ministers by party officials linked to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s faction have been described as “shamelessly partisan”. This was said by the three ministers at the heart of the matter — Makhosini Hlongwane, Tapiwa Matangaidze and […]

Zanu PF deadlock in Midlands

The ad-hoc ZANU-PF Midlands provincial disciplinary committee handling the case of three senior members accused of fanning factionalism has apparently failed to pin them down after a faction aligned to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa reportedly declared war if they were to be found guilty, it has emerged. The committee was put in place by the […]

Minister, MP in near fist fight

By Patrick Chitumba Simmering tensions exploded at a Zanu-PF Midlands province inter-district conference when Gokwe-Kana MP, Owen “Mudha” Ncube, and provincial secretary for administration, Tapiwa Matangaidze, came close to exchanging blows. Matangaidze, who is also the Deputy Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare went for Ncube after he was booed and jeered while […]

Mnangagwa bankrolling violent Al-Shabab gang

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s party is accusing Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa of bankrolling a violent gang of Zanu PF youths in Kwekwe calling themselves Al-Shabab after the Somali based Islamic group.