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Osgood Tafira

Gospelneurs in Zimbabwe – Part One

By Osgood Tafira I am writing this article with the purpose of disparaging the philosophies and the “improper” use of the Bible by self-proclaimed Pentecostal movement prophets with the objective of achieving selfish means or to spreading a “false” Gospel other from what is revealed in the Bible. Armed with Biblical defence I shall lay […]

Unmasking Magaya’s lies on us Vapostori

OPINION – In his booklet titled Marine Spirits, Mweya yemumvura: Teachings by Prophet W. Magaya, excerpts of which are broadcast on his Yadah TV channel and featured in three consecutive issues of the Sunday Mail, the popular preacher claimed that Vapositori, as they are known, are derived from spirits that reside in the marine kingdom and that they do not believe in the Bible.