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Omega Hungwe

Zanu-PF claims CCC ‘means being used by the devil or the beast’

Hungwe said: “Voting for MDC or CCC shows that you are lost. Do you know what CCC means? It’s an animal that was spoken about in the book of Revelations and it means being used by the devil or the beast,” she claimed.

In response to the Zanu PF claims, CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said Zanu PF was in “panic mode so they are desperately trying to dampen the spirits of the people.

Witch-hunt over Mnangagwa poisoning

A senior Zanu PF official has sensationally claimed that one of the passengers in a helicopter ride to a presidential youth interface rally held in Gwanda last August tried to take the life of then vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa by slipping a potentially lethal poison into the food he consumed.

Zanu PF MP sued over $169k debt

By Tendai Kamhungira Zanu PF’s deputy political commissar and Dzivaresekwa MP, Omega Hungwe, has been dragged to the High Court after she reportedly failed to settle a $169 000 CBZ Bank loan. The court heard that Hungwe entered into an overdraft agreement with the bank in May 2011. According to the agreement, “plaintiff (CBZ) would […]