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Nkulumane Police Station

Cop busted in rape attempt

A POLICE officer from Bulawayo was allegedly caught red-handed, naked, wearing a condom and trying to rape a 54-year-old teacher after failing to locate his girlfriend whom he had come to visit.

Armed robbers choke baby

Five robbers armed with a pistol and iron bars allegedly pretended to be police officers, handcuffed a woman who was breastfeeding and put her in leg irons before choking her baby while demanding cash in Bulawayo’s Nkulumane suburb.

Fugitive serial thief caught posing as soldier

A 32 year old serial thief from Bulawayo who has been on the run for six years was arrested at Nkulumane Police Station while wearing a camouflage uniform and pretending to be a soldier.Aleck Mnkandla of Cowdray Park was on the police wanted list for breaking into premises and stealing property since 2012.

‘Garage robber cop’ arrested

By Whinsley Masara A traffic cop who is suspected to be part of a gang of armed robbers that raided West Service Station in Lupane on Monday night and was allegedly involved in a shootout with detectives in Bulawayo has been arrested. Sergeant Alfred Zvapera (31) of Senga 2 suburb in Gweru allegedly surrendered himself […]