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national unity

Why Zanu PF draft should be rejected

This article seeks to analyse the key provisions of the new draft constitution recently approved by the Parliamentary Constitution Select Committee and submitted to the Government of National Unity principals against the background of ZANU-PF constitutional amendments.

A guide to the Zimbabwe constitutional draft

The draft constitution is a product of two key processes. The first process was the outreach programme where views of Zimbabweans were enlisted. The second process was a negotiation that was either as a result of the inconclusiveness of the data or because of underlying political considerations writes Douglas Mwonzora.

Elections in 2012 or another GNU?

Three myths are increasingly pervading the political discourse in Zimbabwe and reflect the anxiety around the current transition in which neither Zanu PF nor MDC appear to have succeeded in emerging victorious writes Ibbo Mandaza

Tsvangirai lodges complaint against Herald

On the 6th of January 2012, The Herald published an article titled “PM embroiled in bribery scandal” in which it was unambiguously alleged that he had bribed Editors from three private newspapers in order to influence them to write what The Herald described as positive stories on his political and personal life.