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Moven Mahachi

Mystery surrounds deaths of national heroes

Almost all those buried at the national Heroes Acre are former Zanu PF members. While being conferred hero status comes with honorary prestige and possibly benefits for the remaining families, some of those declared national heroes died mysteriously.

Transcript of Enos Nkala on Question Time

Former Defence Minister and ZANU PF founding member, Enos Nkala, is the guest on Question Time and answers questions sent in by SW Radio Africa listeners. Nkala denies any involvement in the Gukurahundi Massacres and claims he never said he “regrets being Ndebele and would do anything to wash it away.” Journalist Lance Guma spoke to Nkala and posed the questions.

MPs want answers on Mujuru death

MP’s across the political divide suspect foul play in the mysterious death of Retired General Solomon Mujuru and have demanded a thorough investigation. Mujuru died in mysterious circumstances at his Beatrice farm in August, and it is not yet known whether he died before an inferno at his house or was killed by the fire.

Silence of the Lambs: The Angeline Tongogara story

It is very disturbing how ZANU-PF cowers victims of its violence and political intransigence. Since independence, I have noticed spouses of fallen heroes getting on with their lives without any idea of how their husbands or wives died writes Tanonoka Joseph Whande.

Conspiracy theories surrounding Mujuru’s death

That conspiracies occur the world over is undeniable but is important to question the rationale, if any, behind conspiracy theories. What purpose do they serve and should anyone take them seriously or dismiss them only as the stuff of fantasy and make believe?