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Mitt Romney

Trump names Obamacare critic Tom Price to key role

US President-elect Donald Trump has picked Tom Price, a strong critic of President Obama’s healthcare reforms, as his future health secretary. The Georgia congressman and orthopaedic surgeon, 62, chairs the House of Representatives budget committee. He will play a key role in Republican plans to replace the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare). In his campaign, Mr […]

The US election and lessons for Zimbabwe

Having been raised in a country considered to be a dictatorship, it was an exciting opportunity to experience first-hand how the First World handle their elections, hoping that in future I will be able to port the wisdom back home.

President Barack Obama defeats Romney

US President Barack Obama has been re-elected to a second term, defeating Republican challenger Mitt Romney. With results in from most states, America’s first black president had secured the 270 votes in the electoral college needed to win the race.