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Military Intelligence Unit

New twist to Mugabe dairy ‘bombers’ case

The case of two suspects accused of attempting to bomb President Robert Mugabe’s Alpha Omega Dairies has taken a new twist after the duo told the Constitutional Court (Con-Court) that they are members of the Military Intelligence unit.

Zimbabwe military intelligence agencies court Russians

Zimbabwe’s military intelligence agencies, the Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) and Military Intelligence Unit (MIU), are courting Russian expertise and arms, as a hardline confederacy of State security generals is all but preparing to install its own cherry-picked successor to replace President Robert Mugabe, by as early as 2014.

Iran helping Zimbabwe snoop on internet

Iran’s ostracized leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has upped the ante in relations with Zimbabwe with reports that Tehran is involved in a massive cyber training exercise of hundreds of Zimbabwe’s intelligence and military operatives Nehanda Radio has gathered.