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Mike Bambo

They lied to us…….

Some claimed to have downed a chopper. Some claimed to have fought the liberation war. Yet some claimed that they cowed Smith to the negotiating table. Still some said they killed many whites. Collectively, they claim to have won the war of independence.

May the real MEN in ZANU PF please stand up …..

Growing up in the dusty rural areas of Gutu, educated at Gokomere High School in Zimbabwe, attending the University of Zimbabwe, I was educated and made to believe that REAL MAN don’t cry. I also learned that REAL MAN do not abuse women, like beating them or doing anything bad to them. I was educated and learned to respect women, and also to stand up against women when they are abused.

ZANU PF and MDC-T followers: Sheep without a shepherd

ZANU PF and MDC-T seem like they do not know what to do when faced with a ‘dissent’ followership. The issue at hand is that political parties should know that they have followers and these followers can be divided into four types, namely; alienated, passive, conformist, pragmatic, and exemplary followers.

Groupthink in Zanu PF is out of this world

The decision making process is such an important aspect in business, as well as in political groupings. At a family level or even at an individual level, decision making is so important that much thought needs to be done in order to make the right decision.

Zimbabwe a nation without leadership

According to the Herald of September 28, 2013 Zimbabwe needs about US $60m for the maize they got from Zambia. This just shows that Zimbabwe does not have a leader. If the maize was from US or Brazil, then that was going to be different.