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Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe in dire shortage of medicines, allows pharmacies to import

Strict regulations have been put in place to allow pharmaceutical companies to import medicines as Zimbabwe faces dire shortages. In a Circular 23 of 2022, published on the 28th of November, seen by Nehanda Radio, the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) said it was facilitating access to prescription preparations and other essential medicines.

Cabinet approves four Covid-19 vaccines

Cabinet has approved the start of the second phase of Covid-19 vaccination exercise and urged companies intending to buy vaccines for their employees to procure only those that are registered in Zimbabwe.

Mahomva speaks on Ivermectin

The authorisation of use and importation of Ivermectin — an anti-parasitic drug — to treat Covid-19 patients by the Government is primarily for investigative purposes and is an acceptable standard practice in medicine globally, a public health official has said.

ARVs life span extended

The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe has extended the shelf life of selected ARVs after conducting research that show that the drugs are still effective.

Medicines body blasts Magaya

Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries founder Prophet Walter Magaya has not yet approached the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe to register his traditional herbs which he claimed cured HIV/AIDS, legislators heard yesterday.

Wheels come off Zim health sector

Medical experts have warned the government that it is putting the lives of thousands of people at risk, after it  recently started dispensing expired drugs in hospitals — including life-prolonging anti-retroviral medication (ARVs).

Magaya yet to submit Aguma application

The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) says it is yet to receive an application for official registration of Aguma — a herbal supplement Prophet Walter Magaya claims has medicinal properties against cancer, HIV and Aids.

Government nails Walter Magaya

In a surreal development, Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries founder, Walter Magaya, appeared in court yesterday — where he was charged with distributing and advertising his controversial HIV/Aids herbs without regulatory approval.

Magaya faces arrest over HIV claims

The government has warned Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) ministries founder Walter Magaya that he risks being arrested if he goes ahead and starts selling his controversial HIV/Aids herbal medicine without regulatory approval.