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Mail & Guardian

Mbeki sues Mail & Guardian for R20 million

SOUTH AFRICA – Political analyst and brother of former president Thabo Mbeki, Moeletsi Mbeki, is claiming R20 million from the Mail & Guardian newspaper following two articles he said were “wrongful and defamatory”.

Bid to gag Zimbabwe vote report continues

SOUTH AFRICA – Despite suggestions from justices of the Supreme Court of Appeal to abandon an appeal, the Presidency stuck to its guns, in court on Thursday, in its bid to keep secret a report on the controversial 2002 Zimbabwean election.

Zimbabwe violence too hot for SA judge

North Gauteng High Court judge Joseph Raulinga said he was “left standing between a rock and a hard place” in having to decide whether a South African observer report about Zimbabwe’s hotly contested 2002 elections should be released to the public.

ANC government is so far up Mugabe’s behind

I have noticed that when cases come to court in Southern Africa, if the subject matter of the case is delicate and in danger of exposing the governments for their activities, then the case’s judgement is reserved writes Robb WJ Ellis (The Bearded Man).