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Madzibaba Tawona

Magaya Debate: Judge not, that ye not be judged

OPINION – No one on Earth is a deputy Jesus Christ or a representative of the Holy Spirit. Why then are Walter Magaya and Mapostori behaving like they are? The feud between Magaya and Mapostori has been exacerbated to passing judgment of Satanism on one another.

A response to Magaya on Vapositori

Vapositori, Mweya yetsvina and the Bible: a response to Mr Walter Magaya By Madzibaba Tawona Prophetic Healing Ministries (PHD) leader Mr Walter Magaya has released a book! Its title, Marine Spirits, Mweya Yemumvura: Teaching by Prophet W Magaya. First and foremost, congratulations to the young man, he has joined the bandwagon of Zimbabwean authors. Information […]