Browsing tag

Lovemore Chinaka

ZETDC in US$9m tender scandal

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) allegedly awarded a US$9 million tender to supply smart meters to a company called Paramount without conducting Factory Assessment Tests (FAT), Nehanda Radio can reveal.

ZETDC boss granted bail over tender

ZESA Holdings’ distribution arm, ZETDC’s managing director Lovemore Chinaka, was yesterday granted $30 000 bail on allegations of violating tender procedures involving US$1 405 920.

Zesa power station catches fire

By Nqobile Tshili A ZESA power substation in Bulawayo’s Mpopoma suburb caught fire yesterday causing power outages in some parts of the city. Two electricity transformers were destroyed in the inferno, an official said. Zesa Southern Region general manager Engineer Lovemore Chinaka said they were investigating the matter. “It’s too early, people are yet to […]