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Leo Igwe

Anti-bullet charms and destructive power of superstition in Africa

By Leo Igwe The recent case of a traditional priest in Ghana who was fatally wounded in the process of testing his supposed anti-bullet charms has once again illustrated the dangers of superstitious beliefs in Africa. This incident has amply shown the imperative of skeptical thinking and scientific outlook in the region, and the fact that a dearth […]

Churches and hunting witches in Christian Africa

By Leo Igwe It cannot be overemphasized that churches in Africa are instrumental to the witch craze in the region. Programs and activities of faith organizations continue to fuel witchcraft suspicions with sometimes horrific consequences on alleged witches. There is an urgent need to counteract this dark and destructive process. We must call witch finding […]

Secular activism and awakening in Zimbabwe

By Leo Igwe People sleep for some time but they may not sleep forever. The grip of an ideology, religious or secular, that holds a society down may one day loosen. The mental chains unshackle some day and freedom is regained. It has happened before and will happen again. It is a wind of change […]

How secularism will benefit Zimbabweans

By Leo Igwe Zimbabwe stands to gain a lot from the spread of secular values in the country because faith groups are taking advantage of the dire economic situation to further exploit the people and undermine their potentials. And this has to stop. Some secular minded individuals who are concerned about this dangerous trend are […]

Building Mosques and Economic Recession in Nigeria

By Leo Igwe The Jigawa state government has just announced a major state development project: the construction of ninety mosques; three in each of the constituencies. One assumes that this project is a way that the government wants to use to show the people of Nigeria and the world how it is developing the state […]

Islam: No justice for victims of blasphemy killings in Nigeria?

By Leo Igwe A court in Kano state in Northern Nigeria has acquitted five persons who were arrested in connection with the killing of a Christian female trader, Bridget Agbahime, from Southern Nigeria. She was murdered on June 2 at Kofai Wambai market after some exchanges with some Muslims. Her killers attacked her with dangerous […]

Shepherd Bushiri: Prophet or Charlatan?

Leo Igwe – There is nothing ‘enlightened’ about him and his so called Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG). The Malawi born Shepherd Bushiri is a prophetic disaster that has exploded on the faces of believing folks in Southern Africa.

Flying Witches and Africans

When superstitious beliefs go unchallenged, they sometimes take very bizarre forms. Sometimes they are regarded as “science” and promoted openly and confidently as if they are based on facts and evidence.