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Land Reform Programme

TSL bosses acquitted again

Harare Regional Magistrate Mrs Sandra Mupindu has, for the second time, acquitted three Tobacco Sales Limited (TSL) bosses accused of selling a farm for US$600 000 after it had been gazetted by Government for acquisition under the land reform programme.

Mnangagwa dangles carrot to war veterans

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has ordered all the country’s eight provincial ministers to reserve land and allocate it to war veterans. It also ordered that all land disputes involving the veterans must be ruled in their favour.

Mnangagwa GOVT must have clear land policy

When President Emmerson Mnangagwa took over the reins of power on November 24, 2017, immediately announcing his intention to compensate farmers who had lost their land during the chaotic land reform programme of the early 2000s, most people felt his government had signalled a departure from former despot Robert Mugabe’s regime.

White farmer fights for lost farm

Figtree farmer, David Connolly who lost his farm to former president Robert Mugabe’s top aide, Ray Ndhlukula has questioned President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s sincerity on addressing the plight of farmers who lost their land at the height of the land reform programme.

Land reform programme: The curse of dead capital

By Hazel Ndebele When Zimbabwe embarked on the chaotic land reform programme that resulted in white commercial farmers losing large tracts of land to indigenous people, little did architects of the populist exercise know that the transfer of ownership of farms would ruin the economy and become mired in serious complications for such a long […]

Attempts at social engineering in Zimbabwe

Down through the centuries authoritarian States have attempted to socially engineer their societies, sometimes on a grand scale. The consequences have always been extremely serious for the targeted communities, tribes or language groups.

White farmers under fresh siege

HARARE – White commercial farmers have come under renewed siege from farm invaders following the disbandment of the Sadc Tribunal last week, according to representatives.

Crimes against humanity dressed as land reform

In the recent case in the Upper Tribunal [Immigration and Asylum Chamber] in the UK, another very important Judgment was made exposing the Land Reform program in Zimbabwe for what it is: “Crimes Against Humanity.” It is another big step towards truth and accountability in Zimbabwe writes Ben Freeth.