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Knox Chitiyo

‘Zim polls were meant to start new era’

DR Knox Chitiyo: “Mnangagwa has a full in-tray. He has to unite a fractious Zanu PF and manage internal civil-military and generational faultlines. Beyond that, he may need a public reconciliation with Chamisa — similar to how in Kenya and Mozambique, similar incumbent-opposition quarrels were mended by public rapprochements.”

First black pathologist Chitiyo dies

HARARE – Zimbabwe’s first black pathologist and medical director of the National Blood Services Zimbabwe, Dr McLeod Ernest Chitiyo, has died. He was 83. Dr Chitiyo died on Monday last week in Harare after battling a kidney ailment for a long time.

Re-engagement: Folly of forgiving the unrepentant

The Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, popularly known as Chatham House, an internationally acclaimed think tank, faces a credibility crisis in its quest to re-engage the discredited 90 year old Robert Mugabe unconditionally from the wilderness, a gesture synonymous with rewarding vice by virtue.