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James Chimombe

Chimombe family, disputed son bury the hatchet

South Africa-based musician Davitah Chimombe, who has been at the centre of disputes in the Chimombe family after his revelation that he is son to the late James Chimombe, was finally accepted into the family following a gathering held last weekend in Glen Norah, Harare.

Storm over James Chimombe brand

By Prince Mushawevato Tendai Chimombe, the eldest daughter of the late James Chimombe, is a bitter person despite successfully reviving her late father’s group, the Huchi Band. A cocktail of challenges threatens to blow to smithereens the little that she has achieved thus far. Tendai, whose debut album “Tribute to the Legendary —James Chimombe” was released […]

Ailing James Chimombe son says ‘I smell death’

Son of the late veteran musician James Chimombe, Freddy, who is battling tuberculosis says he has lost hope of recovery as his condition continues to deteriorate. In an emotional interview at his house at Hopley Farm, the musician said he could now “smell death”.

Did Chibadura, Chimombe predict their deaths?

Before his death on August 4, 1999, John Chibadura wrote the song, “Zuva Rekufa Kwangu”. I remember asking John, when he penned that song in reggae, a genre which was different from his usual sungura beat: “Why are you predicting your own death? Are you about to die?

The AY Band Saga, a lesson for musicians

It’s been twelve months since the tragic death of talented saxophonist, musician Samson Mtukudzi who is a son to legendary superstar Oliver Mtukudzi. I first met Sam Mtukudzi in Gweru in 1997 while having dinner at the Fair Mile Motel.