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Jacob Zuma Sex Life

Infidelity of Zuma wife a ‘victory for women’

Several Talk Radio 702 callers on Friday said President Jacob Zuma’s second wife Nompumelelo Ntuli’s reported infidelity was a victory for women. One SMS said: “Viva MaNtuli Viva. If Zuma can get some on the side, why can’t you?” Meanwhile, the Mail & Guardian reported that MaNtuli, was fined a goat in April as punishment […]

Zuma wife cheats on him with bodyguard

South African president Jacob Zuma was today facing fresh speculation over his personal life amid claims he had been cheated on by one of his wives. Mr Zuma’s second wife Nompumelelo, 35, allegedly had an extra-marital relationship with one of her bodyguards. The claims were first made in South Africa’s Ilanga newspaper and come as […]

Zimbabwe newspaper says sorry to Queen

By Fortune Tazvida Zimbabwe’s weekly Standard newspaper has been forced to apologise to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II after publishing a computer doctored picture of her pregnant following a visit to the UK by South African President Jacob Zuma. Zuma travelled to the UK earlier this month with papers there tearing into him as ‘a sex […]

COSATU, the President and Shilowa

The Congress of South African Trade Unions has called on all South Africans to accept the unconditional apology by President Jacob Zuma, which he issued on Saturday 6 February 2010. He has humbly admitted that he erred and asked for our forgiveness. We are sure that the overwhelming majority, while disapproving of the conduct for […]

Zimbabwean Man Claims He Is Zuma's Son

Johannesburg: – A 30 year old Zimbabwean man is claiming to be President Jacob Zuma’s son. According to the South African Saturday Star, Dudzai Nyamuramba of Wedza, says Zuma met his mother, Maggie Sandimunyonga, while in exile in Mozambique. His mother, he says, has since died. Nyamuramba said he longed to meet his father. He was […]