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Cold weather kills 12

Twelve people have died of common cold and influenza in the country this year while 9 962 cases of the diseases have been reported in one week countrywide. According to the recent weekly surveillance report from the Ministry of Health and Child, Masvingo and Midlands provinces recorded the highest number of cases.

Influenza kills 12 people

Twelve people have died of common influenza (flu) in the first three months of this year as cases of the viral infection are on the rise countrywide, statistics show.

MDC-T senator died of bird flu

BULAWAYO – Gladys Gombami-Dube the mainstream MDC senator for Mabutweni died of bird flu, a family spokesperson told journalists at her house in Mpopoma high density suburb on Wednesday. Family spokesperson Samuel Gombami said that postmortem results released on Tuesday in Harare shows that she died of bird flu.