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George Makoni

Number plates backlog being cleared

The planned clearance of the backlog will bring relief to motorists, some of whom were going for months without proper metal number plates and having to rely on the temporary cardboard issues. It will also help to reduce the number of people going about committing crimes using unregistered vehicles.

A perspective on the Heroes celebrations in Zimbabwe

By George Makoni Today (Monday 8 August 2016) is supposed to be a day to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by the gallant sons and daughters of Zimbabwe during the liberation struggle to fight for an independent Zimbabwe. Whilst the role they played to liberate Zimbabwe is cherished by many Zimbabweans, it is worrisome […]

Why this #ThisFlag campaign needs your support

By George Makoni Evan Mawarire, a cleric fronting what has become known as #ThisFlag campaign needs the support of all pro-democracy forces in confronting Zimbabwe’s Competitive Authoritarian Regime, ZANU PF. His approach is tactful, well timed and indeed sustainable. The campaign which has so far taken the social media by storm , seeks to challenge politicians to […]

Prof Moyo fast losing political flavour

The fly by night ZANU PF spin doctor Prof Jonathan Moyo is fast losing his political flavour in the current political dispensation due to many blunders writes independent political analyst George Makoni.

Zimbabwe Youth Council a disgrace

As I pen this article I am extremely pained by the level of manipulation, dictatorship, hypocrisy, brutality and all those bad sounding qualities which characterize the Zimbabwe Youth Council writes George Makoni.

Civics should not rubberstamp rubbish

By George Makoni I note with concern that some of our brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to stoop so low for the sake of advantages to do with the buttering of their bread at the expense of fundamental principles of democracy which all pro-democratic forces have always fought for in the post colonial era. […]