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Genius “Ginimbi” Kadungure

Storm over Ginimbi’s unsigned will

Executor of the late socialite Genius “Ginimbi” Kadungure’s estate Patricia Darangwa yesterday told the Kadungure family that they could not seek reversal of his unsigned will after they initially endorsed it.

Ginimbi family accepts unsigned will

Relatives of the late socialite and businessman Genius Ginimbi Kadungure and other possible beneficiaries of his estate, yesterday unanimously accepted an unsigned will recently filed at the Master of High Court which gives a friend known as “Kit Kat” a Lamborghini and places all other assets under a family trust.

The woman who led Ginimbi in death

When Ms Enivareta Mapara joined Doves Funeral Services 12 years ago, as a security guard, she never imagined that someday she would play centre stage at arguably one of the country’s most unforgettable funerals.

From Prince, Zororo to Gringo: 2020 celebrity deaths that shook Zimbabwe

By Vongai Mbara | Nehanda Showbiz |

It’s probably fair to say that 2020 has been a tough year for most of us. It has been filled with worry, uncertainty, deaths and changes to the fundamental routines that we have built for ourselves courtesy of the coronavirus pandemic and accompanying lockdowns.

2020 has seen us say goodbye to some of our favourite celebrities, which is never easy, especially when it comes to personalities who touched us with their innovation, creativity and humanity. Nehanda Radio pays tribute to notable celebrities we had to sadly bid farewell to in 2020.