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Generations poaches stars from Generations

SOUTH AFRICA – Free-to-air channel isn’t just trying to compete with Generations in its 8pm primetime slot – it’s going after some of the 16 actors who were sacked from the SABC’s flagship local soapie.

SABC’s Generations suspended until December

SOUTH AFRICA – Against a background of reports that President Jacob Zuma’s daughter Gugu Zuma is working on a replacement production for top South African soapie Generations, the SABC announced on Friday that the show will be off air until December.

Zimbabwe kicks out SA rapper

Zimbabwean authorities have stopped South African musician and television actor Sipho “Psyfo” Ngwenya from performing there. The rapper, who plays Ajax Khoza in the TV soap Generations, was sent back to South Africa on his arrival at Harare international airport on Friday.