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Fungai Alexander Mapondera

As elections loom in Zimbabwe, can the Digital Native Youths seize this chance to determine own future?

Fungai Alexander Mapondera – As Zimbabwe hurtles towards yet another election, probably the last thing the country needs right now with the economy considered, political parties have been clamouring to reach out to the youth electorate. Within the seriousness of their pursuits it is probably lost on them that the youth electorate base to which they are pinning their hopes on was equally the biggest demography in 2013. So what has changed this time round? In the views of this writer, thanks to technology, today’s Zimbabwean youths are more informed about what is going on politically and what the impediment to the future they desire could be.

Why the unbridled youth loan system alone will not address chronic youth unemployment in Zimbabwe

By Fungai Alexander Mapondera Recently the Minister of Youth, Indigenization and Economic Empowerment, Patrick Zhuwao launched the much anticipated USD$10 million youth fund under a facility dubbed ‘Localised Empowerment Acceleration Facility’ (LEAF). The facility will see up to USD$45,000 distributed to each constituency where councillors will be tasked with selecting projects whence capital will be made […]