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Felistas Chatukuta

Guvamombe acquitted in case involving Kasukuwere and Mandiwanzira

High Court Justice Felistas Chatukuta has found former chief magistrate Mishrod Guvamombe not guilty on charges of placing two former ministers Supa Mandiwanzira and Saviour Kasukuwere on attachment at the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) as law students at a time when they were facing criminal charges.

CJ Malaba debacle: ED shunts judges

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has okayed the swearing in of six judges of the Supreme Court from the High Court bench who will be expected to preside over the government’s appeal against a ruling by the lower court nullifying the extension of Chief Justice Luke Malaba’s term of office.

High Court stops bus terminus construction

High Court judge Felistas Chatukuta has interdicted the Harare City Council from constructing a bus terminus opposite Rhodesville Police Station in Harare following an objection lodged by Hillside and Eastlea residents.

Tsvangirai case struck off the roll

MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai is off the hook after the High Court on Wednesday struck off the roll an application by Harare man Moreprecision Muzadzi, who is seeking $50 000 compensation for reportedly offering consultancy services to the veteran politician ahead of the 2013 elections.

Police ‘defy’ Mazowe court order

By Tendai Kamhungira Villagers at Arnold Farm in Mazowe have rushed back to court after the police “defied” a High Court ruling stopping their eviction. The contempt hearing has been set down for tomorrow. The villagers, who are reportedly being evicted to make way for the expansion of First Lady Grace Mugabe’s business empire, are […]

Mutasa locks out Sheriff

By Daniel Nemukuyu Former Zanu-PF secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa reportedly locked up gates and doors to his Umwinsdale property in a bid to block the Sheriff from attaching his assets over a $26 000 debt owed to lawyers who represented him in his battles with Zanu PF. Execution was temporarily stopped to allow the […]

Serial rapist gets more jail time

HARARE – A Mabvuku serial rapist currently serving 35 years in prison has been slapped with a further eight-year jail term after a High Court judge said the magistrate’s sentence was incompetent.