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Farai Bhiza

Expelled Mutare mayor appeals to MDC-T

The MDC-T has confirmed that it will be hearing an appeal by the Mutare Mayor Tatenda Nhambarare and three other councillors all of whom were expelled from the party for ‘disobedience’ last year.

MDC-T Manicaland infighting exposed again

MUTARE – The divisions rocking the MDC-T Manicaland province were exposed again on Monday after several party officials attended the victory celebrations of Mutare Mayor Tatenda Nhambarare even though he was sacked from the party for allegedly working with Zanu PF.

MDC suspends Mutare mayor, 3 councillors

The MDC-T’s national executive has formally suspended Mutare mayor elect, Tatenda Nhamarare, and three other councillors labelled rebels and sell-outs for allegedly colluding to vote for a deputy mayor of the city from rivals, Zanu PF. They are facing charges of misconduct.

MDC-T fires its new Mutare mayor

MUTARE – The newly elected MDC-T mayor of Mutare, Tatenda Nhambarare has been fired from the party together with three other party councilors, for ‘conniving’ with ZANU PF in the mayoral elections.