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Edgar Tekere

Mugabe a prophet without honour in his own country?

By Benjamin Semwayo Recently the Sunday Mail published a story in which Mr Johannes Chikanya, Robert Mugabe’s ‘twin’, asserts that the latter is a prophet without honour in his own country and that people will only realise this when he is gone. Mr Chikanya idolises Mugabe, describing him in glowing terms and lavishing inordinate praises […]

Who is Zimbabwe’s next long-awaited political messiah?

By Charles Star Kungwengwe In 1990, euphoria enveloped the entire country when one of Zimbabwe’s most controversial war veterans, Edgar Tekere, broke ranks with his former party, ZANU-PF; and in the process also severed ties with his war-time bosom buddy, President Robert Mugabe, to form his own political outfit, the Zimbabwe Unity Movement (ZUM). Everyone […]

So, what would Tekere say?

By Bill Saidi Before he parted company with his old friend, President Robert Mugabe, Edgar Tekere chose a statement with which many people would identify at the time: “Democracy is in the intensive care unit…” If other people thought this was typical hyperbole from Two Boy, there was a shock for them: Tekere quit the […]

Nkala a controversial nationalist giant

Enos Mzombi (actually Muzomubi in Ndebele) Nkala will be remembered most as one of the founders of the Zimbabwe African National Union (Zanu), as a break-away from the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (Zapu) on August 8 1963.

A few generals cannot hold Zimbabwe to ransom

“How about a challenging and rewarding career in the service of your country” was a catch-phrase on Air Force of Zimbabwe’s job adverts which, many years ago, could easily attract the eye of a curious and adventurous youngster across the racial and ethnic divide.

Mhanda exposes Mugabe, Mujuru, Moyo

Wilfred Mhanda, a former guerrilla commander, has released his war-time memoirs exposing how President Robert Mugabe ruthlessly suppressed him and other commanders in the late 70s on his way to becoming the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe.