Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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Clifford Chitupa Mashiri

When will AIPPA and POSA be abolished?

The report that the Public Order and Security (POSA) Amendment Bill was shot down yesterday in the Senate by Zanu-PF Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa (Newsday, 04/08/11) made very sad reading. It sets a very bad precedent.

Has Moyo threatened a coup in Zimbabwe?

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to tell that Jonathan Moyo’s latest mouthing is a cowardly veiled threat of a military coup in Zimbabwe albeit he is neither a soldier nor an ex-guerrilla writes Clifford Chitupa Mashiri

Moyo crying louder than the bereaved

Jonathan Moyo could be said to be demonising himself for being credited for crafting notorious laws like AIPPA and POSA. Similarly, he might not be doing himself favours with his current hostile campaign against MDC President Morgan…

Axe Zuma as Zimbabwe mediator

As the country faces a bleak and terrifying political future amidst militarization and GPA stalemate, many questions come to mind, like: ‘Do Zimbabweans deserve Jacob Zuma’s style of mediation? Is Jacob Zuma the surrogate President of…