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Charlie Hebdo

Orly airport: Man killed after seizing soldier’s gun

A man has been shot dead after trying to seize a soldier’s weapon at Paris’s Orly airport, French officials say. The 39-year-old was killed by the security forces after attacking a patrol in the airport’s south terminal. The airport has now partially reopened after what the authorities described as an extremely serious incident. The man […]

I am Itai Dzamara

OPINION – As Europe gathered around the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo and declared as a society that “I am Charlie Hedbo”, they ensured that no matter the consequences and the cost, they would deliver to those responsible one clear message-they would not accept their way of life and freedom of speech to be compromised by the warped interests of a few.

Paris Shootings: What we know so far

On Wednesday, 12 people were shot dead at the headquarters of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris. On Thursday, a French police officer was shot and killed in the city.