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Auxillia Mnangagwa

Luke-ing the Beast in the Eye: Zimbabwe is not a monarchy …. And executive power is not sexually transmitted

By Luke Tamborinyoka

Today is the 57th anniversary of the Unilateral Declaration of independence (UDI) when the racist colonialist Ian Douglas Smith unilaterally declared independence from Britain on 11 November 1965. The UDI spawned a serious political and economic crisis for the oppressive regime in the then Salisbury.

Students of politics and history will remember the famous Madzimbamuto case, which remains the locus classicus in matters to do with the doctrine of necessity and other related legal concepts.

Similarly, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa may have unilaterally declared this country a monarchy as we have seen his wife transacting matters of the State when she is just but a mere First Lady and not a State actor.

Executive authority is not sexually transmitted. We told Mugabe the same message when his wife started pilfering executive authority by berating and publicly excoriating government officials at Zanu PF rallies.