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Angeline Tongogara

Tongogara interview opens can of worms

A can of worms has been opened in the life of General Josiah Magama Tongogara with several of his children and other family members joining a chorus of people questioning whether the late Zanla supremo really died in a car accident.

Tongogara had 10 kids with 7 women

The late General Josiah Magama Tongogara sired 10 children with seven women, his family has said insisting that he was never legally married to any of them. This according to family spokesperson, elder brother, Michael Magama Tongogara.

Tongogara widow demands probe

ANGELINE Tongogara, the widow of former Zanla commander General Josiah Magama Tongogara, has demanded that she be driven to the scene of the accident where her husband died mysteriously 33 years ago, saying the circumstances surrounding his death were still haunting her.

Silence of the Lambs: The Angeline Tongogara story

It is very disturbing how ZANU-PF cowers victims of its violence and political intransigence. Since independence, I have noticed spouses of fallen heroes getting on with their lives without any idea of how their husbands or wives died writes Tanonoka Joseph Whande.