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African Apostolic Church

Mwazha and other church leaders support Zanu PF for personal benefit – Mliswa

Influential African Apostolic Church (AAC) leader Paul Mwazha and other clerics support Zanu PF for personal gains, says Norton legislator Temba Mliswa. “Kwana Mwazha they abuse little children safe in the knowledge nothing will happen to them. It seems the real churches are the traditional ones such as Methodist, Roman Catholic etc who are able to stand and say the truth to leaders,” he said.

Mwazha’s son cited for contempt as battle rages on

The battle for the control of African Apostolic Church led Archbishop Paul Mwazha continues unrelenting as the court-recognised faction filed a motion for contempt against one of the leader’s sons, Alfred Kushamisa Mwazha, for holding a three-day pilgrimage at the church’s sacred shrine against a High Court order.

Mwazha celebrates 103 years

Celebrations involving family and church members were held over the weekend. Over 16 000 congregants of his African Apostolic Church, popularly known as VaApositori vekwaMwazha, gathered in Waterfalls, Harare, to celebrate the sect’s founder and leader, Bishop Mwazha’s birthday.

Mwazha church rift widens

The African Apostolic Church (VaApostora veAfrica) founded by Archbishop Paul Mwazha popularly known as Mutumwa, has further split, with one of his elder sons reportedly forming a church that is attracting some of the church members.

High Court finally settles Mwazha church’s unholy feud

The African Apostolic Church (VaApostora veAfrica) has revealed that the founder, Archbishop Paul Mwazha (102), popularly known as Mudzidzisi, who is one of the pioneers of indigenous churches in Zimbabwe, will remain the leader and his successor will be named and appointed within the confines of the church doctrine and constitution.

Mwazha succession wrangle persists

The succession row pitting the sons of ageing African Apostolic Church leader, Archbishop Paul Mwazha, popularly known as Mudzidzisi, has deepened with the matter being reported to police, setting the stage for it ending in court.

Mwazha family in church succession fight

The family of African Apostolic Church leader Archbishop Paul Mwazha, popularly known as Mudzidzisi, was yesterday involved in an altercation over the succession of the respected religious leader who is one of the pioneers of indigenous churches in Zimbabwe.

Paul Mwazha: 100 not out

Leader of one the biggest indigenous apostolic churches in Zimbabwe, Bishop Paul Mwazha, on October 25 clocked a century on earth.The man is known by many as a strict follower of the Word, building a unique religious organisation which has remained intact over the years.

Apostolic sect members struck by lightning

A member of the African Apostolic Church (Mwazha) died, while several others were injured after being struck by lightning at a shrine in Chitungwiza on Monday. Tragedy struck while members of the Mwazha Apostolic Church were attending an evening prayer session at an open space in Nyatsime. Chief police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba […]