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Soldiers beat up man over anti-Bob ringtone

Harare- Three uniformed soldiers beat a Warren Park D high density suburb resident for his mobile ringing tone which they said is anti President Robert Mugabe. The soldiers, in uniform, beat the man at Warren Park D’s Kwa Mereki public…

Minister Mhashu robbed in South Africa

JOHANNESBURG — Zimbabwe's National Housing Minister and MDC MP Fidelis Mhashu who visited South Africa over the weekend was assaulted during an armed robbery. Mhashu paid businessman and friend Mutumwa Mawere a visit in the posh Bryanston…

Expelled MDC MPs’ appeal dismissed

Bulawayo High Court judge Justice Maphios Cheda yesterday dismissed with costs an urgent application by three MDC Members of the House of Assembly who were seeking a review of their expulsion from the party. The three, Mr Abednico Bhebhe…

Five youths killed in Harare BMW crash

Harare — Five youths were killed when a BMW they were travelling in rammed into a tree along Milton Avenue next to Parirenyatwa Hospital over the long weekend and three others were injured, two very seriously, in Harare's worst holiday…

Generals saluted Mujuru not Tsvangirai?

HARARE - The Zimbabwe Mail can reveal that contrary to media frenzy of misinforming the public that Robert Mugabe's rogue Generals saluted Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, the salute was specifically directed towards retired General…

Military police crush army food brawl

By a correspondent Military police had to be called in at Masvingo Polytechnic College to quell a brawl for food between soldiers feasting at a ceremony to mark Defence Forces Day. Our correspondent reports that on Tuesday visibly hungry…

Dabengwa Wants "Unqualified Apology"

By Denford Magora Dumiso Dabengwa, the ZAPU leader and former ZAPU Commander, who is being offered the vice-presidency of Zimbabwe by Mugabe, is holding out and repeating his oft-stated demand for an apology from Mugabe over Gukurahundi.…

Gono, Tomana issue not serious: ZANU PF

Charles Tembo HARARE – President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party on Tuesday said it saw no need for outside help to break a deadlock with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party over appointment of Zimbabwe’s central bank chief and…

Generals finally salute Tsvangirai

By Never Kadungure Zimbabwe’s arrogant set of generals who vowed never to salute Morgan Tsvangirai were forced to eat humble pie on Tuesday when they saluted the country’s new Prime Minister. The generals have time and time again said…

Bridegroom Vanishes On Big Day

Harare — An AFM reverend's daughter in Bindura was left in the lurch after her intended failed to show up for the wedding, with families and relatives of the bride waiting the whole day in excited anticipation. Gamuchirai Letticia Chivasa…