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Brian Sedze

Brian Sedze: Harareans deserve to live in a filthy city because of mindset

By Brian Sedze

Let’s remember- The third world is the third world because of third worlders! It isn’t the climate, or the soils, or the latitude and longitude. Its us it’s people with third world minds.

Even if we get diamond fields, good soils, young population, good climate, and so forth we remain third world because our minds from me to the top is just that, third world mind!

Even if we get US$2Trillion free money nothing will change us to first world unless we change our mindset.Nothing. We have poor corporate managers, city elders, politicians, cabinet, society leaders, civic society, councillors etc with lots of education but third world mindset.

Harare is what it is because we are 3rd worlders. This Harare is the city they deserve and must complain little.

Taxpayers, youth must vote for a govt they desire

The youth and the taxpayer must truly vote to ensure that they have a government they desire. Subsequent to voting they must direct that the fruits of their labour, present and future, be used for the economic and social health aspirations they resonate with.

Goblin economy creating goblin wealth

Brian Sedze: “Goblin induced wealth is impossible or very difficult to pass to the next generation. Tales of leading business people who are said to have been buried with their wealth are plenty and in African myths or tales or truth it is ascribed to wealth created by goblins. The goblin in Zimbabwe is businesses that survive and prosper on networks rather than service and or product excellence. Zero competence and full tank of networks. The bigger the network goblin the more the wealth is created.”