Music legend calls for uprising against Mnangagwa, plans fundraising tour

HARARE – Jenaguru Arts Centre founder and veteran musician Clive Malunga has called upon Zimbabweans, particularly the youth, to rise up and demand change in the country’s political landscape.

Malunga expressed his frustration with the current ruling elite, labeling them as clueless and out of touch with the nation’s needs.

He draws inspiration from the winds of change blowing across Africa, citing examples of youthful leaders in West Africa who have taken charge and implemented people-centered policies.

Malunga believes that Zimbabwe’s youth can learn from these examples and challenge the status quo, rejecting old-fashioned politics and divisive policies.

“The winds of change are already blowing across the African continent. In West Africa youthful leaders in the form of Commandante Cde President Captain Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso, Commandante Cde President Colonel Assimi Goita of Mali and Cde President Bassirou Diomaye Faye of Senegal have swept aside the old guard and are putting in place people-centred policies that will take their countries to another level in terms of development.

“Their examples and the terrible state of our economy should prompt our youth to reject old fashioned politics (and politicians) and challenge the status quo’s divisive and retrogressive policies.

“Only a united patriotic people will halt the decay caused by a leadership who employ state institutions which ought to serve the people to instead intimidate and harass people.

“The police, army and the judiciary have all been politicised and captured by a few individuals who want to safeguard their thievery of the national purse and conceal their illicit deals in national resources such as minerals,” Malunga said.

The current state of the economy and the suffering of former freedom fighters have prompted Malunga to take action.

He shares the story of Takauya Netsoka, a liberation war hero who fought for the country’s independence but now lives in abject poverty.

“There are many stories about the suffering of former freedom fighters in Zimbabwe, but at this juncture, let me write about Comrade Takauya Netsoka. Comrade Takauya Netsoka, popularly known as Cde Tsoka during the liberation struggle, is now destitute.

“Cde Tsoka was born in 1962 under Chief Chikowore village in Rusape. His real name is. Charles Mangani. He joined the liberation struggle in 1977. He joined the liberation struggle because he and his friends suffered constant beatings by the brutal Rhodesian forces who had a military base near their village.

“When he crossed into Mozambique, he first stayed at a place called Maroro. He received his military training at Tembwe. Fellow comrades he remembers from the same base are Cde Agri Chaminuka and Cde Tambaoga. He specialised in an anti-aircraft machine gun commonly called anti-air. He operated in the Chaminuka sector. He was a section commander and his detachment commander was Cde Muchiwanepi.

“Cde Tsoka operated in the Mount Darwin area with Cdes Gono, Nhamo, Mbumburu, Zvenyika, Neto and Shamwari Yeropa. He also operated in Mary Mount, Rushinga, Gwanyanya and Matope. When the war ended, he stayed at Mary Mount Assembly Point, where the base commander was Cde Perence Shiri deputised by Cde Joboringo.

“In 1980, Cde Tsoka was integrated into the Zimbabwe National Army, 2-3 Battalion. He later transferred to the Presidential Guard, State House, Harare. He resigned from the army in 2003.

“His worst memory of the liberation struggle is when he was given clothes which had been poisoned by the Rhodesian Army. He miraculously survived the ordeal, but he is still suffering from the effects of the poison..

“Cde Tsoka cried when I met him at Harare Showgrounds. I was on my way to the gym. He is now a destitute if I’m to be blunt. He says he is living each day as it comes. He no longer has any dreams about anything good in this life.

“Cde Tsoka is married with 4 children and his in-laws are looking after his family. He survives by cutting firewood for restaurant owners at the Showgrounds.

“He has no fixed abode. He used to sleep in a showgrounds toilet until retired Lt Colonel Moyo gave him a small tent that he now lives in.

“Comrade Tsoka used to have dreams, like any other normal human being. He dreamt of sending his kids to good schools, owning a nice house and living a decent life in a liberated Zimbabwe. However, all those dreams have just disappeared.

“He lives a miserable life, surviving on donations from well-wishers, in addition to his meagre earnings from the menial jobs he does from time to time. Comrade Tsoka is currently getting a paltry pension, which is barely enough to sustain him and his family.

“How many of our liberation war heroes are in the same predicament or worse situations than Cde Tsoka? Many. Their worth and value disappeared into thin air with the attainment of independence. Freedom fighters have been abandoned by the government,” Malunga said.

Malunga is not just calling for change; he is also taking action. He plans to raise funds through musical shows and tours, with a focus on supporting a strong alternative to the current ruling party.

He has already started campaigning for this cause and is committed to contributing to the change that Zimbabweans desire.

“In 2025, I plan to tour East Asia. I have a huge fan base in that part of the world. I intend to raise huge sums of money through musical shows. I’m ready to work for my country by investing proceeds from my international tours into supporting a very strong alternative to ZANU (PF). Since 2022 I introduced myself to Zimbabweans on my blog. I want the people of Zimbabwe to know who I am and my political aims. The country now needs a strong leader with good leadership qualities and we are ready to support.

“I want to contribute to changing the narrative about Zimbabwe in particular and Africa in general. We cannot afford to watch as the majority of citizens are downtrodden by politicians who use poverty as a weapon to keep people under their control. In the past, I managed to raise some substantial amounts of money to run the Jenaguru Musical Festivals, fund the reburial of former combatants and pay school fees for many children.

“I am committed to raising funds to finance the processes of the change that we want. We need to raise a lot of money to get power,” Malunga added.

Clive MalungaEmmerson Mnangagwa
Comments (103)
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  • Anonymous

    He is right,,those old morons are clueless, hapana kwatiri kuenda🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Anonymous

    And he is still safe& not locked up or something 🤔

    • Anonymous

      Victor Dlamini lets look at his facts and stop speculating

    • Anonymous

      Victor Dlamini How can you lock someone on a deathbed?

    • Anonymous

      Felix Mutakura 🙄You sound like you don’t live in Zim.

    • Anonymous

      Mlilo Joyinani 😳Deathbead are you sure🤔

    • Anonymous

      Victor Dlamini Very useless and just bitter but you know these guys from my party if they are eating everything will be fine but once they are sideline by another faction they start talking shit for nothing. This guy had his time and even married a Japanese woman, fleecing people’s children by organizing trips to Japan every year for cultural exchange programs pocketing the money during Mugabe’s time.
      I think you still remember the Jenaguru Music festival in Gwanzura stadium every year, musicians were getting nothing because he was untouchable, nonsense! That Jenaguru Arts Center near Interpol in Harare he didn’t buy it he was just given for free by the gvt and where did he put his money including the $50k war veterans compensation?

    • Anonymous

      Mlilo Joyinani What a story

    • Anonymous

      Mlilo Joyinani Serious ziyabuya

    • Anonymous

      Victor Dlamini Nxa besutha kabakhulumi fokol mgodoyi wakhe. Ama youth to mobilize yibaphi he was enjoying with that lady bengazali so ufuna abantwana bakabani benze khonokho kkkkkk

    • Anonymous

      Mlilo Joyinani Kanti kasazalanga yini lomJapanese lowo🤔😳

    • Anonymous

      Victor Dlamini sounding and perception are 2 different things, where do you belong

  • Anonymous

    Pazimbabwe zvinongoperera on social media mumastreets vanhu vanotya

    • Anonymous

      Lackers MagarahLackers Magarah iwe autyi here homeboy tibaye

    • Anonymous

      Baba Wayne NaTawa Ngwarai ini hautombonzwe ndichitambira divi iroro better ndife nenzara panekuurawa nevanhu nezanu vasingafunge😂😂

    • Anonymous

      Lackers Magarah kuitwa manyama amire nerongo 😅😅😅

    • Anonymous

      Baba Wayne NaTawa Ngwarai kkk kanyama kanyama kkkk

  • Anonymous

    He shd be having a backing from the top.. He started this long bek

  • Anonymous

    Mnangangwa is the problem of Zimbabwe since 1980

    • Anonymous

      Hloniphani Hlomz Mlilo True, very True

  • Anonymous

    Parikuda 100 vakadai zvinogona kubuda

    • Anonymous

      Allen Nyazuva kkkkkkk ukuda kutungamidza ani ,ita iwe uri we chi ✌

  • Anonymous

    One muimbi asina kuda kumirira kunzi , Go n see Victor

  • Anonymous

    These zanu pigs are going to kill him ahambe evule amehlo

  • Anonymous

    Kanotsvagawo relevance ka blaz aka

    • Anonymous

      Alfa B Banhu arikutaura chokwadi Emerson hapana chaari kuita

    • Anonymous

      Remiot Mabika asi maziso haashande here ?

    • Anonymous

      Alfa B Banhu arikuitey Emerson

    • Anonymous

      Kupara nzira ma3km chete
      Waifanira kugadzira roads idzi nationwide 30years ago kwete 2kilometers dzagadzira idzi

    • Anonymous

      Remiot Mabika iwe hausi kuona kuti Munyika mukuitwei?

    • Anonymous

      Projects which are going on hausi kuaona ?

    • Anonymous

      Alfa B Banhu kkkkk hoo nhayi asi iwwe futi

    • Anonymous

      Alfa B Banhu hapana chaarikuita

    • Anonymous

      Remiot Mabika ko tingakuteedzeyi here mubvisei ka tione

    • Anonymous

      Nyika haivakwe ne ma projects bambo pane mari dzirikutsakatika imi muchitimba mu garden.

    • Anonymous

      Samson K Soka dzaunoziva here tipe ma figures ka handiti ndiwe unobuditsa mari yacho uchiona futi kuti yakatsakatika sei?

    • Anonymous

      Alfa B Banhu chimboitayi ma projects ekupfuya hove muchasvinura.

    • Anonymous

      Samson K Soka iwe unofunga mari inokuvinga wakagara here ndosaka muchigara makazvimba ,Kuguta kushanda and Mari irimuvhu

  • Anonymous

    Vakamuvharira panze ka Vene vayo..

    • Anonymous

      Michael Mlambo wakafa pfungwa

    • Anonymous

      Rast Gwaya why ? Mdidi Khanyoko

  • Anonymous

    ED huchest izvo ndezvako ikoko.

    • Anonymous

      Jiggaman Gombaz …Kana kunyora harigone 😅…Pfustek ndokutii nhai imi ambwa…Pfeeeeee 🇿🇼✊✊✊✊

    • Anonymous

      Aleck Walusa 😂😂😂😂😂😂 washaudhiwa ka? Saka wataura zvisina basa

    • Anonymous

      Jiggaman Gombaz …Pamberi mberi ne Zanu Pf…ED huchi ✊✊✊🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼

  • Anonymous

    Zimbabweans r cowards….

  • Anonymous

    ASI wakanyimwawo Mota Na Wicknell chivayo…. Itawo sevamwe avo vasina kudomwa nemazita

  • Anonymous

    This guy contribute a lot during war liberation struggle he’s on point. He exactly know what’s happening now, believe me

    • Anonymous

      Tineyi Dzangare what did he contributed if I might ask that which he did …

    • Anonymous

      Tineyi Dzangare believe on what….nonsense believe in him iwewe

    • Anonymous

      Takudzwa Gono it’s hash conservation,only I think he’s on positive side point of view. He composed songs on regard with struggle that’s all. Isn’t was one the likes of ChopaSibanda e.t.c

    • Anonymous

      Timothy Changayi motivate

    • Anonymous

      Tineyi Dzangare He did absolutely nothing zilch … Always controversial for nothing. No wife , no friends no nothing.

    • Anonymous

      Tineyi Dzangare did the money they made went to orphans or the country or it was their money . They did nothing for the country.

    • Anonymous

      Where is he?? Cant just talk iwe uri kachana

    • Anonymous

      It’s not personal life, it’s national issue. Akakoniwa izvozvo but he plays role to set you and me from that regime,but the folks are miusing the agreement they fight for, that’s the point. Remember he’s a Zimbabwean also,he got right to suggest what he thinks as citizen and celebrate also. Shoko rofamba fast. As celeb on positive things

    • Anonymous

      Timothy Changayi who? Clive have position in current government. He’s trying to revive things and truth,you don’t learn because of full l know, especially ama 2K

    • Anonymous

      Stix Masese ko kachana kangu kana padhuze zvine basa reyi? Vamwe varume hamudiwe mudara remhuri modzosa program kumashure

    • Anonymous

      Tineyi Dzangare kkkk pavanhu vakaurawa 2018 makambotumira hupfu here

    • Anonymous

      Stix Masese vakaurawa Nani?

    • Anonymous

      Zvehupfu kuden kwedu torima mbesa dzasiyana siyana. No need kutumira

    • Anonymous

      Tineyi Dzangare kkkkkkkkk. Mina ama 2k . Uyagula . I fought for this country boy. Clive malunga what does he do in this government.. stop lying . He is nothing he doesn’t have even a sweeping position in government. Wena stop lying kkkkkkkk. If u dont know keep quiet. Its not a crime not to know.

  • Anonymous

    Ini ndakafamba nesango rine minzwa inobaya🎼🎼🎼

  • Anonymous

    One ariega murume vamwe tese tofanirea kupfeka ma braa nema skert

  • Anonymous

    He is talking nonsense
    We are trying to build Zimbabwe and someone is trying to shake the wall

  • Anonymous

    Barking on the wrong tree 🎄. You know where you came from…

  • Anonymous

    he is now old to have nightmares during the day light . he might wake up behind bars for inciting violence

    • Anonymous

      Ndaanaye Moyo toziva makangwara chibata nevamwe vakangwara muite zvataurwa

    • Anonymous

      Obey Mabwe lt is not an overnight thing but oneday the world will see

    • Anonymous

      Obey Mabwe now becoz he is saying something you don’t wanna hear Ava ma nightmares ?

    • Anonymous

      Ndaanaye Moyo not in this generation of mutoriro, we have no youths

    • Anonymous

      Obey Mabwe azvina basa neizvozvo nguva ndeyaMwari

    • Anonymous

      ED huchi

      #vision 2030 ,nyika inovakwa nevene vayo

  • Anonymous

    Sad part is folks will say he is crazy

  • Anonymous

    Arikutaura amborikupiko iyeyu

  • Anonymous

    😂😂😂😂😂 clive agara zvesvina haadi ,hakusi kutanga chero kuna bobo akatombo taura imwe fut rough akatombonzi nabob ngaasungwe

  • Anonymous

    It’s a high time as Zimbos youth to read the Psalms and let em realize are nobody them,

  • Anonymous

    mbavha ndidzo dzaunonzwa dzichitsigira tsvina iri kuitwa neharahwa idzi

  • Anonymous

    He’s a confused monkey 🐒. Political failure seeking attention. Go hang Mr malunga

  • Anonymous

    Problem vakarwa hondo nekuimba pfuti havana kubata pfuti so they don’t have Clive remember we are being ruled by revolutionary party en they don’t tolerate nonsense

  • Anonymous

    Ahh mukada kutangana nevene vayo mopamanya

  • Anonymous

    It is the responsibility of the youth to kick out ZANUPF
    It is the youth,s future that ZANUPF are flushing thier future down the toilet
    It is the youth that MUST get up STAND up for thier rights
    It is the youth who are being denied the fruits of thier country which are being given to sun jah lees father
    Pity the born free children
    Choose suffer and die
    Or die fighting for your rights

    • Anonymous

      Nicholas Shelden Kavayi usadaro😂😂😂

  • Anonymous

    Senegal ngaanyarare hake itz disappointing