Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

“We haven’t been together for a while” – Wicknell’s wife reveals they split up

HARARE – Sonja Madzikanda has confirmed that her marriage of seven years to controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo has broken down, saying that the two have not been together for a while.

Madzikanda’s confession, made on Instagram, comes at a time rumours of Wicknell’s alleged fling with South African influencer Mihlali Ndamase have been making the rounds on social media. Chivayo has since issued a statement denying this.

The latest rumour came only a few days after socialite Tatelicious claimed that Wicknell’s wife was being bedded by his friend, Tazvi Mhaka.

Madzikanda’s confession, made on Instagram, comes at a time rumours of Wicknell’s alleged fling with South African influencer Mihlali Ndamase have been making the rounds on social media. Chivayo has since issued a statement denying this.
Madzikanda’s confession, made on Instagram, comes at a time rumours of Wicknell’s alleged fling with South African influencer Mihlali Ndamase have been making the rounds on social media. Chivayo has since issued a statement denying this.

In a post thanking her followers for their support over a tumultuous last few weeks, Madzikanda said Wicknell was free to do as he wished because their marriage was over. She said they had been waiting for the 1st of May to make the news official.

“I do also want to come here and say clearly that you guys just need to let Wicknell be and like back off him a little bit. He’s a single guy. He’s been a single guy for a while. Myself and Wicknell are no longer together and we haven’t been together for while.

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“It’s going to be made official, I think we were going to be more official and direct about it on the 1st of May. There are few things that we are still ironing out and are probably going to to be going back and forth about but those people who know know,” she said.

Madzikanda added that while he might be involved with other people, it was important to note that he was no longer married to her.

“All I can say is he can do whatever he likes with whoever he wants. He is allowed to do that as a single guy and I am also single. Single in that, I’m sure he has lots of other people, but he’s single in that he’s not married to me.

“So he’s allowed to do and conquer the world how he sees fit,” she said.

While she did not specify the reasons why their marriage ended, Madzikanda said they did not wish to prolong the marriage for the sake of pleasing other people. She said that the two were focused on being loving parents to their children.

“I’m sure Wicknell is still gonna be a good dad to them. That’s what happens guys, love doesn’t win all the time and we are not gonna keep forcing things so that the haters can be quiet,” she said.
