Harsh sentence for trafficker targeting Zimbabweans with Dubai dreams

A Harare Magistrate has sentenced Caroline Ziyanga to 30 years in prison for trafficking unsuspecting Zimbabweans to Oman under the guise of offering them high-paying jobs in Dubai.

The case sheds light on a disturbing trend of human trafficking targeting Zimbabweans seeking better opportunities abroad.

Ziyanga’s modus operandi involved luring victims with fake job advertisements promising lucrative salaries and ideal working conditions in Dubai. However, upon arrival in Oman, the victims’ dreams turned into nightmares.

They were forced to work as domestic workers under harsh conditions, including restricted movement, meager food rations, long working hours, and even sexual exploitation.

“Initially, the accused person was charged with 11 counts of trafficking. Two Counts were withdrawn before plea due to the unavailability of witnesses.

“She was sentenced to 10 years each for the remaining nine counts. Counts 3-5, 6-8 and 9-11 will run concurrently. She will serve 30 years effectively,” the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said in a statement on Monday afternoon.

The incident brings to mind the tragic case of Tendai Makusha, a young Zimbabwean woman who was trafficked to Kuwait in 2020 with the promise of a domestic worker position.

Makusha’s family reported her missing after months of no contact, and her ordeal only came to light after her body was found, bearing signs of abuse. The perpetrators in Makusha’s case are yet to be apprehended, highlighting the challenges in dismantling human trafficking rings.

A few weeks ago, a former police officer, Forward Mashonganyika, and his accomplice, Tendai Muswe, were sentenced to 20 years in prison for trafficking three women to Oman.

In July 2022 the Government of Zimbabwe assembled an Inter- Ministerial Committee which was dispatched to Oman to rescue the victims. Ziyanga’s hefty sentence is likely to send a strong message to potential traffickers.

Caroline ZiyangaForward Mashonganyikahuman traffickingTendai MakushaTendai Muswe
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  • Anonymous

    30 pakaipa unobuda Waita bhooo

  • Anonymous

    Good sentence,mozopawo ana Rhushwaya Henrietta anopfura ipapo and thanks in advance…

  • Anonymous

    Yoh. Zimbabwe so pakaipa

    • Anonymous

      Tina She yes well deserved human trafficking is evil

  • Anonymous

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dai vango muti 3yrs unoti aimbozo zvipamha here,😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 aaaaaaaa jere reZimbabwe kutongo roverera zvavo vanhu mazi jere mupengo but iro jere reZimbabwe nemamiriro aro uye nemabatirwo anoitwa vasungwa nema gadhijere ,hakufanire kuve nemunhu anotongwa 20yrs ,bcz rinorwadza , uye rinouraya,😂😂😂😂😂 tea hakuna,vanomwa poriji nhete yefupfu ,sadza rakasviba upfu hahu svuvugwi,fut hwaka mhazhika, nyama hakuna,muriwo spinach wayawaya (chekerapasi) 😂😂😂 or bean dziya dzaika dzebrown dzisinga ibve,sipo ,teathbrush havapiwi ,,kana uchipika jere,haudye food from panze ,unodya only on public holiday,only exmas😂😂😂😂😂 the hardest prisons in the world 😂😂😂😂😂

  • Anonymous

    Good sentence for people who sell people as commodities…let this be a lesson to some syndicates doing this

  • Anonymous

    Even life in jail was suitable fr her

  • Anonymous

    Good move vana vakaitwa party nema Arab uko ku Oman she deserve it dai akavaudza chokwadi pakutanga vasati vaenda kuty ndomadhiri acho